What is Event Cancellation or Disruption Insurance?

Event Cancellation Insurance can compensate for any financial loss following cancellation, disruption, postponement or the relocation of an event for reasons beyond your control. For example, the unseasonably heavy snow (aka ‘The Beast from the East’) in March 2018 caused a number of half and full marathons to be cancelled at short notice.

Bad Weather Insurance

One of the most common causes for event cancellation is disruptive weather such as flooding, heavy rain, wind and snow, leading to many events being cancelled each year at short notice.

Adverse Weather Insurance, which generally includes Pluvious Insurance, provides cover against the financial implications of event cancellation specifically due to unexpected weather. So whether you are organising a single event or a series of events, you should seriously consider protecting your event and your business against disruption beyond your control.

The policy detail can include lost financial expenses, cost of advertising the cancellation, costs of reimbursing entry fees and costs incurred minimising the total claim.

If the cause of the cancellation is physical damage to your property you may be covered for your loss by business interruption insurance.

Event organisers can also offer entry refund protection insurance if selling tickets online: this is a cost effective insurance for purchasers to ensure a refund if they can’t make the event for genuine reasons, beyond their control – with no admin burden on the organisers.

For a quote or advice on cancellation or disruption insurance just get in touch