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SOFT PLAY CENTRES INSURANCE Safe coverage for indoor children's play areas

Get a quote for your soft play centres insurance

Why does my soft play centre need insurance?

A soft play area needs insurance to protect you and your business should a visitor or employee suffer an injury or damage to your property. Waiting until after an incident is too late to get the correct protection.

Our policies are designed for the leisure industry, so we fully understand your needs and will tailor your insurance to suit you. We also understand that some insurance companies can create a red tape nightmare, so we will take away as much of the hassle as we can in order to let you run your business.

Get a quote for your soft play centres insurance

Soft Play Centres Insurance CB

Most centres may also consider the following:

  • Business interruption
  • Personal accident
  • Event cancellation
  • Buildings
  • Tenants improvements

What insurance do I need to consider?

Every club, organisation, and race is unique, so no ‘one size fits all’ insurance plan or solution exists. Aside from soft play centres insurance, there are some other recommended insurance options for your club, such as:

Public Liability

To cover the insured’s legal liability to compensate others for personal injury or damage to their property.Find out more

Personal Accident

Cover that pays a benefit in the event of an insured person’s death, injury or illness.Find out more

Cyber Insurance

Protect your systems, membership details and customer data against cyber threats and breaches.Find out more

Legal Expenses

Provides legal services and covers costs to defend or pursue certain legal actions.Find out more

Kit & equipment

A specialist kit and equipment insurance designed for the sports, dance and leisure industry.Find out more

Employers Liability

Cover should an employee suffer a work-related injury or disease, whether full time, part time or volunteer.Find out more

Event Cancellation

Compensate for any financial loss following cancellation, disruption, postponement or relocation.Find out more

Sports travel insurance

Cover for sports individuals including whilst competing with option to cover winter sports.Find out more

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Interested in Mann Broadbent’s Soft Play Centres Insurance?

Get in touch with us and see how we can assist your soft play centres insurance needs.

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